Post Graduate Plans

It's hard to figure out where I want to take my life now that I'm officially done with school. It's a bit of a shocker realizing that for the first time in sixteen years, I don't have to buy school supplies, or the first time in four years that I don't have to buy text books. I don't have to worry about school in September and I've been thrown out to fend for myself.

It is a bit stressful to think about finding a job and one that I will like. I don't want to take just any job that will take me. It's important to find something that will not burn me out. I graduated with two majors, but I have endless passions that I want to do. I want to have my own business some day, I need to get back into volunteering since it was one of the first passions I remember having. However, my main concern is stepping into the professional world and get my feet on the ground and become a productive person in society.

Since my main passion is to get into the film industry, I'll be working two things at once: one, getting myself a job in communications/digital marketing, while saving up to move to Los Angeles (where I was born so the move won't be daunting) and work my way up. To start off, I found some weekend-length certification programs that will make one qualified to be a production assistant, which is the base level when it comes to working in film productions. That would be my first step to getting into the film industry, and hopefully I will work my way up to become a film director.


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